Of particular note is the work TRAM have been engaged in within the Healthcare sector where reviews of working practices, compartmentation and Fire Safety Systems resulted in improved Fire Safety Compliance, Fire Safety, methods of working, training and reduced maintenance costs.
TRAM has had considerable success with its clients in developing training regimes fully relating to existing Fire Risk Assessments and Fire Safety Management Plans. TRAM has also assisted in the development and training of Fire Safety Duty Managers for complex fire arrangements, fire engineered buildings and those buildings where high numbers of people work or visit.
This required training strategies where Fire Safety, Fire Engineering, Safe Systems of Work, Communications and Crowd/People control have increased requirements beyond the scope of standard fire safety training programmes.
Fire Safety Training
TRAM Limited has developed an exceptional reputation for the provision of bespoke fire safety training. Our clients benefit from TRAM’s own set of fire safety training modules tailored to their individual requirements.
Under the fire safety (employee’s capabilities) (England) regulations 2010 which came into effect on 6th April this year, employer’s have a duty to take into account their employee’s capabilities with regards to Health & Safety, so far as those capabilities relate to fire. TRAM Limited’s Fire Safety Duty Manager module provides the training for those employee’s who may have duties which include the overall safety during a fire emergency in buildings that require a duty manager.